Another piece completed during the Muffin Tin Challenge. This one, a simple talisman of the element Earth. When I started making jewelry all those years ago, one of the first stones I fell in love with was Botswana Agate. With its translucent bands and swirls of cream, browns, and peach that you can look in to, I was entranced.
The piece I used for this talisman falls in to the peach/tan spectrum. Nearly impossible to catch the subtle colors in a photograph. Playing off of those colors, I added some peach Moonstone and matte finished Picture Jasper.
Together, these stones are all symbolic representations of Earth energy. Grounding. Fresh dirt to grow roots in. Protective. Healing. Soothing.
You carry Mother Earth within you.
She is not outside of you.
Mother Earth is not just your environment.
-Nhat Hanh